The Moms
We are also taking birth education classes, breastfeeding classes and infant care classes! We have been to a couple of birth ed classes and I think they are really helpful! We have been practicing our breathing, which I'm usually laughing at Robert through instead of breathing. We have too much fun at these classes.
We had our 34 week appointment. We go back on March 1st and then we will start going every week! The weeks are starting to go faster! Before this appointment, I told Robert he probably didn't have to go. We didn't have anything scheduled and it would probably just be me asking questions and then going back to work. So he decided at the last minute not to go. I started asking the dr my questions and mentioned that I was having a few cramps. She put some monitors on my belly, one to monitor the baby's heartbeat and one to monitor contractions, and I sat there for 10 minutes and read a magazine. A nurse came in and said I was having contractions like crazy! I didn't feel anything! Another nurse came in to make sure that I was not dialating at all and everything was fine. I was told to go home, put my feet up and drink plenty of water. Let's just say Robert will not miss anymore appointments! I still feel great, but his little guy sure knows how to kick!