We had another doctor's appointment today. We were able to hear the heartbeat! I could have stayed there all day listening to it. I asked how many ultrasounds we will have and was disappointed when she said the next one will be at 20 weeks. It's only 7 weeks away. The good news, we will most likely know if the baby is a boy or a girl at that visit! I have only gained one pound so far, which the doctor says is okay. Most of the weight will be put on in the last trimester. I am almost out of my first trimester, which is fantastic since I was sick for the first time this past weekend! I consider myself very lucky that I wasn't sick at all before that. I do feel bad for Robert. I'm sure he thought he went to Jewel, also been nicknamed "the kitchen" since we go there so often, a lot before this! I'm pretty sure he goes once a day. Good thing for us that it's a block away. What I want changes so fast. I write him a list and by the time he gets there, I'm already second guessing what I put on it. I do have a couple of things that have been consistant:
~milk! I could drink 3 glasses with dinner
~pasta (Robert's really are award winning meatballs!)
~chicken and pork (if it weren't for beef, I could be a vegatarian)
I can still button my pants. I don't know if that is really great or really frustrating. When you're pregnant, you want to look pregnant! I'm sure that will happen soon enough. I should be happy that I haven't had to buy new clothes yet! I do have that pregnancy "glow", aka oil, all over my face which is causing more acne than I've ever had. Like I said, if that's all I have to complain about, than I'm pretty lucky.