He likes to imitate people. If you sneeze, Matthew will probably start fake sneezing. He likes to watch other people clean and then try and do what they did. It is really cute and he is great at sweeping, vacuuming, raking, and using windex on the glass tables. Hopefully that is all he ever mimics!
He is great at walking and the other day discovered that he could go backwards! It was the funniest thing to see the excitement in his eyes! The other night he learned how to kick a ball and knows what you are saying when you ask him to do it. He understands so much more now.
Robert and Matthew are so cute when they play together. We are so lucky to have such a good boy!
just being silly
playing in the water at the Arboretum
golfing with daddy
Lincoln Park Zoo with Auntie Kris
being silly in the bath
watching the ducks (with one in his hand)